Igor Raykhelson: Piano and Chamber Music, Volume One

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Catalogue No: TOCC0315
EAN/UPC: 5060113443151
Release Date: 2018-05-01
Composer: Igor Raykhelson
Artists: Borodin Quartet, Konstantin Lifschitz

In his early days the composer-pianist Igor Raykhelson – born in Leningrad in 1961, once a New York resident and now based in Moscow – studied both classical and jazz piano. Those influences have combined to create a uniquely personal, Rachmaninov- plays-the-blues Neo-Romantic style: not only is Raykhelson unafraid to write a good tune – it’s clear right away whose tune it is. And in his chamber and instrumental works, the intimate, parlando manner that Raykhelson absorbed from jazz becomes particularly effective.

Borodin Quartet
Ekaterina Astashova, violin (Tracks 1 – 2)
Alexander Kniazev, cello (Track 1)
Konstantin Lifschitz, piano (Track 1 – 9)

Listen To This Recording:

    Piano Trio No. 1 in E major (2003)

  1. Adagio affettuoso – Scherzando
  2. Sonnet for violin and piano (2001)
  3. Piano Sonata in F minor (2005)

  4. I Moderato
  5. II Vivace – Allegretto dolce
  6. III Largo
  7. IV Allegro risoluto
  8. Violin Sonata in A minor (2005)

  9. I Grave – Più mosso
  10. II Adagio affettuoso
  11. III Allegro moderato
  12. String Quartet in F minor (2010)*

  13. I Moderato – Alla Valzer
  14. II Adagio meditabondo
  15. III Grandioso – Allegro


1 review for Igor Raykhelson: Piano and Chamber Music, Volume One

  1. :

    ‘Lifschitz’s stunning virtuosity and artful musicianship secure favourable results. […]

    There’s much to enjoy in this superbly engineered release and I, for one, have relished the music’s lyricism and cross-fertilizations. The works are given stylish performances.,

    —Stephen Greenbank, MusicWeb International

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