Axel Ruoff: Complete Works for Organ, Volume Four

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Catalogue No: TOCC0672
EAN/UPC: 5060113446725
Release Date: 2023-03-03
Composer: Axel Ruoff
Artists: Jan Lehtola

The organ works of Axel Ruoff, born in Stuttgart in 1957, constitute one of the most important contributions to the literature for the instrument by any composer since Messiaen, with Ruoff often using its unparalleled resources to write music of extraordinary power and dramatic flair. This fourth volume in Jan Lehtola’s complete recording presents three large-scale compositions: a set of chorale variations, a sardonic suite and a monumental organ symphony, all displaying the wild sweep of Ruoff’s imagination.

Jan Lehtola, organ

Listen To This Recording:

    Introduction, Variations and Fugue on the chorale ‘Das Volk, das noch im Finstern wandelt’ (2005)*

  1. Introduction, Grave –
  2. Variation 1, Andante tranquillo –
  3. Variation 2, Lento assai –
  4. Variation 3, Scherzando –
  5. Variation 4, Vivace con fuoco –
  6. Variation 5, Presto agitato –
  7. Variation 6, Maestoso –
  8. Variation 7, Misterioso –
  9. Variation 8, Moderato, molto marcato –
  10. Variation 9, Pastorale, Lento assai, dolcissimo –
  11. Variation 10, Allegro precipitando –
  12. Variation 11, Moderato –
  13. Variation 12, Allegro molto –
  14. Variation 13, Presto con fuoco – Prestissimo –
  15. Fugue, Lento – Più mosso, misterioso – Allegro – Allegro vivace – Largo – Grave assai
  16. Suite grotesque (2019)*

  17. I Prélude, Prestissimo
  18. II Danse champêtre, Agiatamente; farsesco
  19. III Nocturne, Lento strascinando
  20. IV Marche héroïque, Alla marcia, malizioso
  21. V Finale: Allegro con fuoco; molto marcato
  22. Symphony No. 1 (2013)

  23. I Grave – Lento assai, tristamente – Grave – Lento assai
  24. II Prestissimo – Grave
  25. III Adagietto –
  26. IV Toccata: Allegro precipitando


1 review for Axel Ruoff: Complete Works for Organ, Volume Four

  1. :

    ‘What we have is a contemporary composer who combines a wide compositional palette with a complete formal command of his material. […]

    Toccata Classics has an established reputation for producing high quality recordings of contemporary music and the opportunity to get to know new music of such quality is to be greatly valued. The standard of production is always uniformly high, as are the performances. […]

    Jan Lehtola is an excellent advocate for this music, seemingly making light of the technical challenges and holding the listener’s attention throughout. The recording is excellent and the organ in St Paul’s Church, Helsinki , an instrument of 52 stops, has all the colour and variety that the music requires. A most satisfying release.’

    —Martyn Strachan, MusicWeb International

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