William WORDSWORTH: Orchestral Music, Volume Two

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Catalogue No: TOCC0526
EAN/UPC: 5060113445261
Release Date: 2019-08-01
Composer: William Wordsworth
Artists: Arta Arnicane, John Gibbons, Kamila Bydlowska, Liepaja Symphony Orchestra

The music of William Wordsworth (1908–88) – a great-great-grandson of the poet’s brother Christopher – lies downstream from that of Vaughan Williams and Sibelius; like that of his contemporary Edmund Rubbra, Wordsworth’s music unfolds spontaneously, as a natural process. This second volume brings two concertos, both major works – though long forgotten, and contrasted in their approach: the gritty and muscular Piano Concerto is cast in a single, tightly argued span, whereas the lyrical Violin Concerto is expansive and unhurried – and deeply touching. They are complemented by the Three Pastoral Sketches, which grow gently from understated autumnal hues to a dignified and moving climax. All three scores show an extraordinary command of orchestral colour.

Arta Arnicane, piano (Tracks 1-5)
Kamila Bydlowska, violin (Tracks 9-11)
Liepāja Symphony Orchestra
John Gibbons

3 reviews for William WORDSWORTH: Orchestral Music, Volume Two

  1. :

    I am currently listening intently to Volume 2 of your Wordsworth endeavor. This is an absolutely stunning CD of magnificent music! Kudos!! I am no stranger to Wordsworth, having everything commercially available plus a great many old LP and BBC broadcasts converted to CD-R. I have the symphonies (except 6 of course) and the quartets (except 2). The world is an incredibly unfair place that such a fine composer is so under-valued.

  2. :

    ‘As in Volume 1 of this series, John Gibbons derives a completely idiomatic sound from the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra, especially in the important area of orchestral detail. Gibbons is also to be commended for his control of the orchestra and especially for the subtlety of his interpretations. Pianist Arta Arnicane plays her solo part with great finesse and attention to the emotional program. Violinist Kamila Bydlowska delivers an exemplary performance of her concerto, bringing out the beauty of the solo part without neglecting the underlying seriousness. As I said earlier, this is an excellent disc if one wants to become acquainted with Wordsworth’s music. Those who are already devotees will be waiting eagerly for the release of Volume 3.’

    —William Kreindler. MusicWeb International

  3. :

    ‘Once again Toccata have turned to good effect to an Eastern European orchestra with the time to master new repertoire and have combined it with two soloists who bring us to the heart of the music. No excuses need to be made for any of the performances; all three make strong arguments for the composer. […]

    if you enjoyed the first volume, you should obtain its successor. If not, why not go for both?’

    —Brian Wilson, MusicWeb International

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