Richard Arnell: Complete Music for Violin and Piano

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Catalogue No: TOCC0492
EAN/UPC: 5060113444929
Release Date: 2018-09-01
Composer: Richard Arnell, Stanley Bate
Artists: Elizabeth Dunn, Patrick Wastnage

This recording pairs music for violin and piano by two young British composers who found themselves marooned in American exile by World War II: Richard Arnell (1917– 2009) and Stanley Bate (1911–59). Arnell’s music can be warmly lyrical and fiercely dramatic by turn, rather like its energetic and volatile composer. Stanley Bate was briefly a bright star on the musical scene, a brilliant pianist whose career was obscured from his British audience by the War and truncated by his early death. His First Violin Sonata has echoes of two of his teachers – Vaughan Williams and Hindemith.

Patrick Wastnage, violin
Elizabeth Dunn, piano (Tracks 1-15; 17-19)

Listen To This Recording:

    Sonata No. 2 for Violin and Piano, Op. 55 (1949)

  1. I Vivace
  2. II Andante
  3. III Andante
  4. Variations on an American Theme, Op. 76 (1953)

  5. Theme Andante
  6. Var. 1 Allegro
  7. Var. 2 Andante
  8. Var. 3 Vivace
  9. Var. 4 Lento, non troppo
  10. Var. 5 Allegro
  11. Var. 6 Presto
  12. Var. 7 Andante
  13. Stanley Bate: Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano, Op. 47 (1946)

  14. I Allegro
  15. II Lento
  16. III Tempo di Marcia
  17. IV Presto
  18. Richard Arnell

  19. Passacaglia for Solo Violin, Op. 23
  20. Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano (1940)

  21. I Allegro
  22. II Adagio
  23. III Molto vivace


1 review for Richard Arnell: Complete Music for Violin and Piano

  1. :

    ‘Violinist Patrick Wastnage, of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, premiered Arnell’s Piano Trio, Piano Quartet and Salute for String Trio in the presence of the composer. Both he and Elizabeth Dunn have extensive portfolios as chamber musicians and it shows in their dedicated, sensitive and thoroughly imaginative performances. These are all premiere commercial recordings and as such are warmly welcomed.’

    —Jonathan Woolf, MusicWeb International

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