Eyvind Alnæs: Piano Music

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Catalogue No: TOCC0067
EAN/UPC: 5060113440679
Release Date: 2011-03-21
Composer: Eyvind Alnæs
Artists: Erling R. Eriksen

The piano music of the Norwegian composer Eyvind Alnæs (1872–1932) shows the influence of Grieg and likewise marries an essentially lyric style with the melodies and rhythms of Norwegian folk-music; the later pieces add an awareness of Debussy and French Impressionism. The works on this CD – none of them recorded before – have an immediate appeal and easy charm, although Alnæs can also indulge in stormy virtuosity.

Erling R. Eriksen, piano

Listen To This Recording:

    10 Pianostykker over Norske Folkeviser (Ten Piano Pieces on Norwegian Folksongs), Op. 39 (c. 1923)

  1. No. 1, ‘Herr Gudmund’ (‘Lord Gudmund’)
  2. No. 2, ‘Valdresvisen’ (‘The Valdres song’)
  3. No. 3, ‘Aasmund Fregdegjævar’
  4. No. 4, ‘Dæ va eingöng ein kung’e’ (‘A king there once was’)
  5. No. 5, ‘Naar jenta er konfirmera’ (‘When the girl is confirmed’)
  6. No. 6, ‘Aa Ola, Ola min eigen onge’ (‘Oh, Ola, Ola, my own child’)
  7. No. 7, ‘Sæterreisen’ (‘Journey to the Mountain Farm’)
  8. No. 8, ‘Lensmannen hadd ei graaskjimra merr’ (‘The sheriff had a grey-mottled mare’)
  9. No. 9, ‘Jeg lagde mig saa sildig’ (‘I went to bed so late one night’)
  10. No. 10, ‘Ho Guro’ (‘That girl Guro’)
  11. Romance in E major
  12. Variations sur un Thème original in D minor, Op. 5 (c. 1895)
  13. 4 Klaverstykker (Four Piano Pieces), Op. 4 (c. 1895)

  14. No. 1, Fædrelandshymn (‘Hymn to the Fatherland’)
  15. No. 2, Folkevise (‘Folk Song’)
  16. No. 3, Albumblad (‘Album Leaf’)
  17. No. 4, Humoreske
  18. Trois Morceaux, Op. 32 (c. 1921)

  19. No. 1, Étude
  20. No. 2, Jeu d’Enfants
  21. No. 3, Caprice
  22. Stemning (‘Mood’) in A major (c. 1923)
  23. Drei Klavierstücke (Three Piano Pieces), Op. 9 (c. 1900)

  24. No. 1, Impromptu
  25. No. 2, Studie
  26. No. 3, Novellette

1 review for Eyvind Alnæs: Piano Music

  1. :

    ‘…As the only disc in the catalogues giving a conspectus of Alnæs’s piano music it would be recommendable in its own right, but the excellent performances by Erling Eriksen and the superbly realistic recording give it value over and above that’ not that the music itself, with some exceptions, is always terribly original. …this CD will bear up well to any future competition. Eriksen manages even the most bravura passages – Alnæs was clearly no mean shakes as a pianist – with aplomb. Those who relish the piano music of Grieg and Sinding will be delighted to make the acquaintance of this music. …His music is rightly treasured in Norway, and deserves wider circulation.’

    —Paul Corfield Godfrey, MusicWeb International

  2. :

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