Vincent PERSICHETTI: Organ Music

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Catalogue No: TOCC0549
EAN/UPC: 5060113445490
Release Date: 2020-05-01
Composer: Vincent Persichetti
Artists: Tom Winpenny

The larger part of the organ music of the American composer Vincent Persichetti (1915–87) was composed towards the end of his life, with some of those pieces receiving their first recordings here. Several are based on hymn tunes, which can often be heard in the background – re-emerging in glorious affirmation in the Auden Variations. On occasion the language suggests a kaleidoscopic admixture of Hindemith and Messiaen, bristling with edgy flashes of colour; and Do not go gentle, an essay for pedals alone after the Dylan Thomas poem, is a statement of austere power. What these highly contrasted works have in common is complete textural clarity: Persichetti had been playing the organ since boyhood, and his writing for the instrument is that of a master.

Tom Winpenny, organ of St Alban’s Cathedral


Listen To This Recording:

  1. Hymn tune ‘Ann Arbor’ (‘Give peace, O God’)
  2. Chorale Prelude, Give peace, O God, Op. 162 (1985)
  3. Hymn tune ‘Primal’ (‘Our Father, whose creative Will’)
  4. Auden Variations, Op. 136 (1977)

  5. Chorale: Semplice
  6. Variation I: A bene placido
  7. Variation II: Affabile
  8. Variation III: Comodo
  9. Variation IV: Ben articolato
  10. Variation V: Sostenuto
  11. Variation VI: Gentile
  12. Variation VII: Ben proclamato
  13. Variation VIII: Cantilena
  14. Variation IX: Tranquillo
  15. Variation X: Serioso
  16. Variation XI: Rigoroso
  17. Variation XII: Con agilità
  18. Variation XIII: Risoluto
  19. Parable VI, Op. 117 (1971)
  20. Do not go gentle, Op. 132 (1974)
  21. Hymn tune ‘Foundations’ (‘Creator Spirit’)
  22. Dryden Liturgical Suite, Op. 144 (1980)*

  23. Prelude: By whose aid the world’s foundations first were laid
  24. Response: Give us Thyself, that we may see
  25. Psalm: From sin and sorrow set us free
  26. Prayer: Make us eternal truths receive
  27. Toccata: Inflame and fire our hearts


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