Georg Philipp Telemann: Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst, Volume Five

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Catalogue No: TOCC0102
EAN/UPC: 5060113441027
Release Date: 2013-04-01
Composer: Georg Philipp Telemann
Artists: Bergen Barokk

This is the fifth CD in the first complete recording of the 72 cantatas from Georg Philipp Telemann's collection Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst, published in Hamburg in 1726 — the first complete set of cantatas for the liturgical year to be appear in print. The cantatas are designated for voice, an obbligato instrument (recorder, violin, transverse flute or oboe) and basso continuo, and generally take the form of two da capo arias with an intervening recitative. Although intended for worship, both public and private, Telemann's cantatas are a masterly blend of tunefulness with skilled counterpoint and vocal and instrumental virtuosity.

Bergen Barokk

Listen To This Recording:

    Feast of the Annunciation – Gott will Mensch und sterblich werden (TVWV 1:694; Bärenreiter No. 19) (1725t26)

  1. Aria (Presto): Gott will Mensch und sterblich werden
  2. Rezitativ: Nein, wenn ich gleich der Morgenröte Flügel nähme
  3. Aria (Vivace): Immanuel ist da!
  4. Third Sunday after Easter – Jauchzt, ihr Christen, seid vergnügt (TVWV 1:955; Bärenreiter No. 23) (1725t26)

  5. Aria: Jauchzt, ihr Christen, seid vergnĂĽgt!
  6. Rezitativ/Arioso (Vivace): Wer wollte nicht bei diesem frohen Schein
  7. Aria (Vivace e pomposamente): O dreifach hoher Sieg
  8. Cantata for Exaudi – Erwachet, entreisst euch den sündlichen Träumen (TVWV 1:480; Bärenreiter No. 30) (1725t26)

  9. Aria (Allegro): Erwachet, entreisst euch den sündlichen Träumen!
  10. Rezitativ: Wir dĂĽrfen nicht am Markte mĂĽssig stehen
  11. Aria (Dolce): Anmutreicher Abendschein
  12. Whit Monday – Schmückt das frohe Fest mit Maien (TVWV 1:1256; Bärenreiter No. 32) (1725t26)

  13. Aria (Vivace): SchmĂĽckt das frohe Fest mit Maien
  14. Rezitativ: Der Tag, an dem von jenes Berges Spitzen
  15. Aria (Andante): Nur der Unschuld reiner Seelen
  16. Feast of John the Baptist – Die Kinder des Höchsten sind rufende Stimmen (TVWV 1:349; Bärenreiter No. 62) (1725t26)

  17. Aria (Vivace): Die Kinder des Höchsten sind rufende Stimmen
  18. Rezitativ: Nichts die allein, die wir als Lehrer hören
  19. Aria (Affetuoso): Reinigt mich, geweihte Kohlen
  20. Feast of St Michael – Packe dich, gelähmter Drache (TVWV 1:1222; Bärenreiter No. 64) (1725t26)

  21. Aria (Allegro): Packe dich, gelähmter Drache!
  22. Rezitativ: Der Helfer sei gelobt
  23. Aria (Vivace): Hinweg, hinweg, o höllisches Getümmel!

2 reviews for Georg Philipp Telemann: Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst, Volume Five

  1. :

    ‘…Ms Julsrud also shows a thorough understanding of the meaning of the texts and that leads to utterly convincing interpretations. …the rhythms are treated with more freedom, and the main words in the text are effectively emphasized. This results in a truly rhetorical interpretation. …All in all, I am very happy with these discs [Vol. 1 and Vol. 5] which shed light on the many qualities of this compelling collection of cantatas.’

    —Johan van Veen, MusicWeb International

  2. :

    ‘With respect to the performance, I must resist the urge to say “They’re back!” But like the other discs I have reviewed previously (Volumes 2-4), this disc retains the excellent quality of performance that is both musical and filled with technical precision— Mona Julsrud’s clear and vibrant soprano handling both the sensitive, slower arias and virtuoso displays with taste and accuracy. She blends so well with Bjarte Eike’s dexterous violin that both sound as one, even in the often tortuous contrapuntal lines. The tempos are, like on that other disc, lively and sensitive to the Affekt of the text. The continuo likewise is an omnipresent partner, never overbearing but well integrated into the overall texture. Bergen Barokk has created another volume on a level with those recorded previously. Therefore, in the interests of not repeating the superlatives I gave those already reviewed, I shall be brief. This disc (and series) is the standard for Telemann’s chamber vocal sacred works. You need it in your collection. Buy it. Period.’

    —Bertil van Boer, Fanfare Magazine, September/October 2013

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