Mischa Levitzki: Complete Works for Solo Piano

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Catalogue No: TOCC0334
EAN/UPC: 5060113443342
Release Date: 2016-05-01
Composer: Ignaz Friedman, Mischa Levitzki, Ossip Gabrilowitsch
Artists: Margarita Glebov


What was called ‘the Golden Age of Pianism’ – the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first of the twentieth – also saw the final flourish of the composer-pianist, a tradition that had begun with Mozart and Beethoven. This recording presents music by three of these last lions. The handful of works left by Mischa Levitzki (1898–1941) are charming miniatures; those by Ossip Gabrilowitsch (1878–1936) are slightly more ambitious; and the compositions of Ignaz Friedman (1882–1948) – both original pieces and transcriptions – point to a substantial body of music that has yet to be fully explored.

Margarita Glebov, pianist

Listen To This Recording:

    Mischa Levitzki

  1. Valse de Concert, Op. 1
  2. Valse, Op. 2
  3. Gavotte, Op. 3
  4. Arabesque valsante, Op. 6
  5. The Enchanted Nymph
  6. Valse Tzigane, Op. 7
  7. Dance of the Doll, Op. 8
  8. Ossip Gabrilowitsch

  9. Romance, Op. 1 No. 4
  10. Three Piano Pieces, Op. 2:

  11. No. 1 Fantaisie-Nocturne
  12. No. 2 Gavotte
  13. No. 3 Feuillet d’Album
  14. Ignaz Friedman (transcriptions)

  15. Franck: Prelude, Fugue and Variation
  16. Grazioli: Adagio
  17. Stamitz: Symphony in G major: Prestissimo
  18. Couperin: La Tendre Fanchon
  19. Ignaz Friedman (original works)
    Four Preludes, Op. 61:

  20. No. 1 Pensieroso
  21. No. 2 Vivo e molto leggiero
  22. No. 3 Con abandono
  23. No. 4 Molto appassionato ed animato
  24. Etudes, Op. 63:

  25. No. 1 Allegro, molto leggiero
  26. No. 2 Vivo e con delicatezza
  27. No. 4 Andante molto cantabile
  28. No. 9 Allegro, con abandono
  29. No. 10 Allegretto, sempre leggiero
  30. No. 11 Allegro patetico
  31. No. 16 Allegro appassionato

3 reviews for Mischa Levitzki: Complete Works for Solo Piano

  1. :

    ‘From adventurous Toccata Classics comes a programme of short works by three pianist-composers from the so-called Golden Age… While he [Levitzki] left behind a substantial amount of recordings, he composed only eight short miniatures. All these appear in chronological order on Margarita Glebov’s delightful disc. The most famous … is the Valse in A major, Op 2, a Kreisleresque miniature of enormous charm… The remainder of Glebov’s disc has four slightly more ambitious pieces by Ossip Gabrilowitsch… These are followed by a selection of transcriptions and original works by the great Ignaz Friedman… These original works alone are worth the price of the disc in convincing and powerful performances. Altogether an imaginative and rewarding disc that comes with an excellent booklet by Maxwell Brown.’

    —Jeremy Nicholas Gramophone, October 2016

  2. :

    ‘This very well-packed CD is further evidence that Toccata continues to enrich the classical listening experience with unexpected perspectives. Where Toccata lead others may follow. Not everything from these three contemporaries has striking musical substance but there is much to impress and where it does not impress it certainly delights.’

    — Rob Barnett, MusicWeb International

  3. :

    ‘The four highly atmospheric preludes together form a convincing suite, with a fine-paced emotional temperature that builds throughout, reaching fever pitch in the final one. […]

    The Russian-born pianist Margarita Glebov delivers this rare and special music with lashings of affection and care. Her efforts suggest that the treasure-trove of Friedman’s compositions may have many more gems to reveal. I, for one, hope that there’ll be more to hear soon.’

    —Jessica Duchen, Primephonic

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