Ivan Sokolov: Chamber and Instrumental Music

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Catalogue No: TOCC0560
EAN/UPC: 5060113445605
Release Date: 2020-08-07
Composer: Ivan Sokolov
Artists: Ivan Sokolov, Karen Bentley Pollick

Ivan Sokolov, born in Moscow in 1960, has made his mark both as composer and as pianist. His early compositions were avant-gardist, but he eventually rejected radicality in favour of a more traditional musical language, one with its roots in Tchaikovsky, Glazunov and Rachmaninov, flavoured, perhaps, with a hint of Shostakovich. Most of the works here were composed within the last few years and are couched in the unforced lyricism of his latter-day Romanticism.

Karen Bentley Pollick, violin, viola and piano
Ivan Sokolov, piano

First recordings

Listen To This Recording:

    Violin Sonata No. 2 (2018)

  1. I Allegro moderato
  2. II Adagio molto
  3. III Andante moderato
  4. IV Allegro molto
  5. Reminiscence for piano, four hands (2013)

  6. Reminiscence for piano, four hands
  7. Thirteen Postludes for viola and piano (2018)

  8. I Andante molto
  9. II Prestissimo
  10. III Andante tranquillo
  11. IV Drammatico/Religioso
  12. V Elevato
  13. VI Andantino
  14. VII Misterioso
  15. VIII Allegro molto
  16. IX Andante
  17. X Andantino con moto
  18. XI Lento misterioso
  19. XII Andante
  20. XIII Moderato
  21. Elegie for solo viola (2001)

  22. Elegie for solo viola

1 review for Ivan Sokolov: Chamber and Instrumental Music

  1. :

    ‘Ivan Sokolov is clearly a composer of astonishing talent whose emotions are displayed in the most powerful and deeply felt ways and I am so glad to have been able to make his musical acquaintance through this marvellous disc. […] Add to his compositional talents a rich an expressive pianism which this record show in spades. […] The sound is exemplary as is to be expected from Toccata Classics and it is to their credit that these works are their first recordings. Thank goodness there are recording companies like them that are not solely motivated by profit for music and composers like Sokolov would certainly be the losers.’

    —Steve Arloff, MusicWeb International

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