Henri Hardouin: Complete Four-Part Masses, Volume Two

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Catalogue No: TOCC0423
EAN/UPC: 5060113444233
Release Date: 2021-11-05
Composer: Henri Hardouin
Artists: St. Martin's Chamber Choir, Timothy J. Krueger

Henri Hardouin (1727–1808) was a chorister in Rheims Cathedral, rising swiftly through the ranks to become maître de chapelle – until the French Revolution disbanded religious establishments. As a priest he was in potential danger and seems to have gone into hiding until, in 1794, the death of Robespierre allowed him to resume his duties. Hardouin’s six four-part masses, published in 1772, are unusual for their time in being a cappella, and they enjoyed wide circulation in pre-Revolutionary France. Since then they have been roundly neglected – an omission this first complete recording intends to rectify.

St Martin’s Chamber Choir
Timothy J. Krueger, director

Listen To This Recording:

    Mass No. 2, Cantata Domino in cymbalis (publ. 1772)

  1. I Kyrie
  2. II Gloria
  3. III Credo
  4. IV Sanctus
  5. V O salutaris hostia
  6. VI Benedictus
  7. VII Agnus Dei
  8. VIII Domine salvum fac
  9. Mass No. 5, Laudate nomen Domini (publ. 1772)

  10. I Kyrie
  11. II Gloria
  12. III Credo
  13. IV Sanctus
  14. V O salutaris hostia
  15. VI Benedictus
  16. VII Agnus Dei
  17. VIII Domine salvum fac
  18. Mass No. 6, Collaudate canticum (publ. 1772)

  19. I Kyrie
  20. II Gloria
  21. III Credo
  22. IV Sanctus
  23. V O salutaris hostia
  24. VI Benedictus
  25. VII Agnus Dei
  26. VIII Domine salvum fac



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