Johann Adolf HASSE: Complete Solo Cantatas, Volume One

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In his own day Johann Adolf Hasse (1699–1783) was enormously popular as a writer of operas – Burney described him as ‘superior to all other lyric composers’. His chamber cantatas were written for private performance in the palaces of the powerful, where Hasse enjoyed the patronage of the very highest ranks of society: some of his cantatas may even have been sung by the empress Maria Theresa herself. But with the eclipse of his fame after his death, these works were scattered across Europe, and this first complete recording was made possible only by many years of detective work. They reveal, even on this smaller scale, the keen sense of drama that animated his operas.

Jana Dvořáková, soprano
Veronika Mráčková Fučíková, mezzo-soprano
Rozálie Kousalíková, Baroque cello
Ondřej Macek, harpsichord

Listen To This Recording:

    Credi, o caro, alla speranza

  1. I. Aria: ‘Credi, o caro, alla speranza’ (Largo)
  2. II. Recitativo: ‘Nella tua fedeltà, caro mio Tirsi’
  3. III. Aria: ‘Un altra pastorella’
  4. Parto, mia Filli, è vero

  5. I. Recitativo: ‘Parto, mia Filli, è vero’
  6. II. Aria: ‘Se vola al labbro il cor’
  7. III. Recitativo: ‘Non così nel periglio’
  8. IV. Aria: ‘Partirò fedele amante’
  9. Ah, per pietade almeno

  10. I. Aria: ‘Ah, per pietade almeno’
  11. II. Recitativo: ‘Fuggirò poi da te per piano, e monte’
  12. III. Aria: ‘Cervetta piagata’ (Allegro)
  13. Oh Dio! partir conviene

  14. I. Recitativo: ‘Oh Dio! partir conviene’
  15. II. Aria: ‘Oh Dio! dirti vorrei’ (Andante)
  16. III. Recitativo: ‘In compagnia della mia pura fede’
  17. IV. Aria: ‘Ah, se potessi almeno’ (Allegretto)
  18. Lascia i fior, l’erbette, e’l rio

  19. I. Aria: ‘Lascia i or, l’erbette, e’l rio’ (Affettuoso)
  20. II. Recitativo: ‘Più volte l’infedel giurar solea’
  21. III. Aria: ‘Mà le giuste mie vendette’ (Allegro)
  22. Tanto dunque è si reo

  23. I. Recitativo: ‘Tanto dunque è si reo, o Amor crudele’
  24. II. Aria: ‘Puoi dir, ch’io son quel ero’
  25. III. Recitativo: ‘Non è amore il tuo amor, mà un rio piacere’
  26. IV. Aria: ‘Tu impiaghi, e poi’

2 reviews for Johann Adolf HASSE: Complete Solo Cantatas, Volume One

  1. :

    ‘The cantatas are split equally between the singers with each having three to perform, and they are all performed well. […] he musical accompaniment by Rozálie Kousalíková and Ondřej Macek is also excellent; so much so, that you do not miss the other instruments that are employed by Musica Alta Ripa.

    The accompanying booklet essay and notes on each of the cantatas by the disc’s harpsichordist, Ondřej Macek, are excellent. They not only give the background to the composer and his music, but also discuss the context in which the cantatas were composed. Full texts and English translations are also included. The recorded sound is good with the villa in Prague, which is associated with Mozart, having a pleasing acoustic. I look forward to further instalments of this series.’

    —Stuart Sillitoe, MusicWeb International

  2. :

    ‘Without any doubt this is a highly interesting and important project, especially as not that many of Hasse’s cantatas are available on disc. […]

    All in all I have really enjoyed this disc, because it sheds light on a lesser-known part of Hasse’s oeuvre, which deserves our attention. These cantatas are fine works and are certainly not inferior to the better-known cantatas by the likes of Handel and Vivaldi. There is every reason to look forward to the next volumes in this project.’

    —Johan van Veen, MusicWeb Interational

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