Bernhard Sekles: Lieder – Aus dem Schi-King and other Songs

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Catalogue No: TOCC0651
EAN/UPC: 5060113446510
Release Date: 2022-10-07
Composer: Bernhard Sekles
Artists: Malte Müller, Werner Heinrich Schmitt

Bernhard Sekles (1872–1934) was one of the leading figures in German music in the first decades of the twentieth century, prominent as composer, educator and administrator. In 1928, as director of the Hoch Conservatorium in Frankfurt, he established the first academic programme in jazz studies, an act of courage and conviction that unleashed furious attacks from the Nazi press. His own late-Romantic music, banned during the Third Reich, has been virtually forgotten, although he composed in all major genres, including opera, orchestral works and chamber music. This first-ever album of his Lieder includes a major song-cycle, the freewheeling Aus dem Schi-King, based on ancient Chinese poetry in adaptations by Friedrich Rückert, its moods ranging from the heroic to the comic.

Malte Müller, tenor
Werner Heinrich Schmitt, piano

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Listen To This Recording:

    Aus dem Schi-King, Op. 15 (publ. 1907)

  1. No. 1 Der Einzige
  2. No. 2 Mädchenlied
  3. No. 3 Über’m Flusse drüben (Im Volkston)
  4. No. 4 Im Mondschein
  5. No. 5 Im Morgendämmer
  6. No. 6 Der Grenzwächter
  7. No. 7 Vergebliche Beschwörung
  8. No. 8 Trauer um Pe-Hi
  9. No. 9 Der Unrechte
  10. No. 10 Jägerliebchen
  11. No. 11 Begegnung
  12. No. 12 Das Frühlingsfest
  13. No. 13 Bei Regenwetter
  14. No. 14 Das schwarze Hofmannskleid
  15. No. 15 Die Folgsame
  16. No. 16 Wasserstille
  17. No. 17 Das Ahnenfest
  18. No. 18 Kriegslied der Fürstin
  19. Liebeslieder nach slawischen und romanischen Dichtungen, Op. 13 (publ. 1905)

  20. No. 3 Treue Liebe
  21. No. 6 Abschied
  22. Lieder-Kreis, Op. 8 (publ. 1901)

  23. No. 6 Schelmenweise
  24. No. 7 Ich liebe dich!
  25. No. 1 Vom Scheiden
  26. No. 4 Die Versöhnung



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