Serenata Mexicana

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Catalogue No: TOCN0001
EAN/UPC: 5060640070011
Release Date: 2019-03-15
Composer: Alejandro Basulto, Arturo Márquez
Artists: David Curtis, Gabriella Dall'Olio, Jamie MacDougall, Morgan Szymanski, Shakespeare Sinfonia

The Anglo Mexican Foundation celebrates its 75th anniversary with this programme of three of its recent commissions – from Mexican composers Alejandro Basulto and Arturo Márquez – joining the first recording of Márquez’s harp concerto Máscaras, in an album that interleaves nocturnal warmth with an infectious spirit of dancing energy.

Morgan Szymanski, guitar (Tracks 2–13)
Jamie MacDougall, tenor (Tracks 14–18)
Gabriella Dall’Olio, harp (Tracks 14–22)
Shakespeare Sinfonia (Tracks 1–14, 19–22)
David Curtis, conductor (Tracks 1–13, 19–22)

    Alejandro Basulto

    Pequeña Serenata Ranchera for strings (2018)

  1. Allegro festivo – Fugato (in Baroque style) –
    Ranchera – Tempo primo – Larghetto –
  2. Jig Variations for guitar and chamber orchestra(2016)

  3. Theme, Gently
  4. Variation 1, Moderato –
  5. Variation 2, Cumbia –
  6. Variation 3, Son Montuno –
  7. Variation 4, Andante –
  8. Variation 5, Reggaeton –
  9. Variation 6, Andantino –
  10. Variation 7, Scherzo (Huapango) –
  11. Variation 8, Pesante –
  12. Variation 9, Banda –
  13. Cadenza –
  14. Finale, Prestissimo
  15. Arturo Márquez

    Dibujos sobre un Puerto for tenor and harp (2001)

  16. I El Alba: Molto tranquillo
  17. II Elegía: Con brio
  18. III Cantarcillo: Danza
  19. IV La Tarde: Vivo
  20. V Nocturno–Oración: Tranquillo
  21. Máscaras: Concerto for harp and chamber orchestra (1998-99)

  22. I Máscara Flor, Adagio
  23. II Máscara Son
  24. III La Pasión según San Juan de Letrán,
  25. IV La Pasión según Marcos


1 review for Serenata Mexicana

  1. :

    ‘This is one of those instantly appealing recordings, and one which will give great pleasure.[…]

    Congratulations are due to all involved in making this recording possible. I hope it will be the first of a series.’

    —Michael Wilkinson, MusicWeb International

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