Arnold Griller, Orchestral Music, Volume Three

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Catalogue No: TOCC0590
EAN/UPC: 5060113445902
Release Date: 2021-01-08
Composer: Arnold Griller
Artists: Kamila Bydlowska, Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, Matilda Lloyd, Paul Mann

Three recent works by the English composer Arnold Griller (b. 1937) are joined here by the earliest music he still acknowledges, the gentle and touching Concerto Grosso for string orchestra (1955), which is informed by a serenity and wisdom uncommon in such a young composer. Like Berg’s Violin Concerto, Griller’s (2017) was born of his response to the loss of a young life, and shares Berg’s elegiac awareness of dying beauty; the Trumpet Concerto (2018), by way of deliberate contrast, accumulates energy and vivacity as it proceeds. Dances under an Autumn Sky (2017), subtitled ‘Orchestral Music in Six Scenes’, is a balletic blend of joie de vivre and intense instrumental drama, which shares Stravinsky’s fondness for rhythmic surprises and Tippett’s for angular, primal energy.

Kamila Bydlowska (violin)
Matilda Lloyd (trumpet)
Liepāja Symphony Orchestra
Paul Mann (director)

Listen To This Recording:

    Dances under an Autumn Sky (2017)

  1. Scene One –
  2. Scene Two –
  3. Scene Three –
  4. Scene Four –
  5. Scene Five –
  6. Scene Six
  7. Violin Concerto, Music for Yodit Tekle (2017)

  8. Opening –
  9. bar 64 –
  10. bar 99 –
  11. bar 149 –
  12. bar 253 –
  13. bar 324 –
  14. bar 412 –
  15. bar 454 –
  16. bars 504–54
  17. Concerto Grosso (1955)

  18. I Aubade
  19. II Afternoon Music
  20. III Serenade
  21. IV Night Music
  22. Trumpet Concerto (2018)

  23. Tempo I –
  24. Tempo II –
  25. A march past Dvořák’s house (L’istesso tempo) –
  26. Tempo III



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