Riccardo Malipiero: Complete Music for Solo Piano

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Catalogue No: TOCC0129
EAN/UPC: 5060113441294
Release Date: 2012-06-25
Composer: Riccardo Malipiero
Artists: José Raúl López

The Italian composer Riccardo Malipiero (1914-2003), nephew of the better-known Gian Francesco Malipiero, was one of the pioneers of twelve-tone technique in Italy. His six published piano works — recorded here for the first time — encapsulate half-a-century of development, from the post-Respighian 14 variazioni of 1938, via the Bachian Invenzioni and the virtuosic Costellazioni, to the classicism of the Diario second of 1985. But Malipiero's concern was more with individuality of expression than with modernist dogma, and he was happy to break the rules in pursuit of colour and variety.

José Raúl López, piano

Listen To This Recording:

    14 Variazioni di un tema musicale (1938)

  1. I. Calmo
  2. II. Stesso tempo
  3. III. Poco più
  4. IV. Presto molto
  5. V. Meno
  6. VI. Più calmo ancora
  7. VII. Lento
  8. VIII. Poco più lento
  9. IX. Lo stesso ma liberamente
  10. X. Veloce
  11. XI. Come l’inizio
  12. XII. Più rapido
  13. XIII. Lento
  14. XIV. Rapido
  15. Piccola musica (1941)

  16. No. 1 Moderato
  17. No. 2 Lento -†Un poco più lento
  18. No. 3 Mosso -†Lento, quasi senza tempo -†Tempo I
  19. Invenzioni per pianoforte (1949)

  20. I. Mosso
  21. II. Lento molto
  22. III. Veloce
  23. IV. Allegramente
  24. V. Piacevolmente
  25. VI. Deciso
  26. VII. Lento
  27. VIII. Grave
  28. IX. Allegramente
  29. Costellazioni (1965)

  30. Bars 1t28
  31. Bars 29t48
  32. Bars 49t69
  33. Bars 70t79
  34. Bars 80t86
  35. Bars 87t91
  36. Bars 92t94
  37. Bars 95t105
  38. Bars 106t112
  39. Bars 113t117
  40. Bars 118t137
  41. Bars 138t143
  42. Bars 144t152
  43. Le rondini di Alessandro: sette pezzi facili per pianoforte (1971)

  44. No. 1 Allegramente
  45. No. 2 Mesto
  46. No. 3 Spigliato
  47. No. 4 Lento
  48. No. 5 Spiritoso
  49. No. 6 Lento
  50. No. 7 Presto
  51. Diario Secondo (1985)

  52. Preludio
  53. Passacaglia
  54. Finale

3 reviews for Riccardo Malipiero: Complete Music for Solo Piano

  1. :

    ‘…The pianist’s grasp of the scores is sure, his articulation crystalline—note the wild dash through the wildest contrapuntal flurries in Le rondini di Alessandro. …Malipiero’s keyboard works are filled with dashes of color; he’s like a painter flicking a brush or making a swift swirl on a canvas. Lopez seems to thrive on these extraordinary little gestures, but he never loses sight of the big picture, the structure holding the individual components together.’

    —Tim Smith, The Baltimore Sun

  2. :

    ‘This is tough music presented with factual and technical diligence as well as artistic qualities. Credit to the pianist for carrying through this distinctive project from concept to execution. There’s no want of valour in choosing this music to champion.’

    —Rob Barnett, MusicWeb International

  3. :

    ‘Twentieth-century aficionados should get to know Riccardo Malipiero, and hopefully we will have the opportunity to hear more of his music in the near future.’

    —Art Lange, Fanfare Magazine March/April 2013

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